The Croco walker will help your child learn to walk independently and will become their favorite toy later on. After all, you can put cubes, dolls and cars on the trolley to transport them from place to place.
Pehmed kummist rattad võimaldavad väikesel kõndijal sujuvalt mööda põrandat liikuda.Veidi väljaulatuvad esirattad hoiavad ära, pehmendavad ja leevendavad võimalikke kokkupõrkeid.
Reguleeritavate pidurite abil saate kohandada tagarataste pöörlemise intensiivsust aeglasest kiireks. See on väga mugav ja eeskätt ohutu beebidele, kes alles õpivad esimesi samme astuma.
Depending on the child’s height and the purpose of the toy, the handle can be set in one of two positions. This allows your child to move around comfortably with the walker for longer periods of time.
Done by Deer Croco Push Toy advantages:
- Adjustable handle
- Soft rubber wheels
- The front wheels protrude as a protective bumper
- Brakes on the rear wheels
- Roomy toy trolley
- Danish design
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