How to place an order

We have made an effort to make ordering fast, easy and convenient for you.

  1. Select your preferred product from the store range and add it to the cart by clicking the “Add to Cart” button. The product page contains detailed information, descriptions, videos, and manuals. Information about the shopping cart is located at the top right. If you hover your mouse over the icon, you will see your order in the shopping cart.
  2. Hover your mouse over the cart icon, then click “View Cart” or “Checkout”.
  3. If you select “View Cart”, in a new window you can change or cancel your order, as well as see the subtotal of the order. If you have a gift card or discount coupon, you can add the code using the “Apply Coupon” button.
  4. Then click “Proceed to Checkout” and you will be taken to the payment page. Here you must fill in the necessary fields and agree to the Terms of Sale. Select the preferred delivery and payment methods, and then click “Place Order”. Be sure to click the “Return to Seller” button after paying!
  5. Your order will be placed and you will receive a confirmation email. That’s all 🙂